Tuesday 24 July 2012


I couldn't go to the States during the independence celebrations and not catch some fireworks. However, this almost happened. Nowhere near the area of Jersey where I was staying were doing fireworks July 4. I was most distressed. I was relieved to see a sign one day, while driving around with my brother-in-law, that there would be fireworks on the weekend. Glad bag buss! Can I tell you. Always wanted to try my hand at fireworks photography.

Lemme know what you think....


  1. Nice shots Marcus. I can almost hear the sound effects. The 3rd, 8th & 11th shots are especially sharp. The 8th one has an interesting angle when you compare the fireworks and the vans below. Make sure you catch any fireworks we have for the Jamaica 50 celebrations. It may be cool if you can get a waterfront view too...

  2. Absolutely beautiful! U have a great eye and I so love ur pictorial interpretation of it all.
